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Our church began with a vision of seeing souls saved and lives changed through Jesus Christ our Lord.  We began in a little store-front building in Carthage, Ohio in 1983.  Many souls were saved and members were added to the church rapidly. 

In 1986, God directed the leaders of our church to purchase approximately 7 acres of land in "old West Chester" and to build our new church there.  Under the direction of a church member, who was also a builder, the whole church body began building our new place of worship.  While our men spent many hours digging, hammering, and sawing, our ladies spent many hours cooking, feeding, and cleaning up after them.  It was all truly a labor of love and we enjoyed every minute of it.

Since that time many changes have taken place, including adding on a much needed fellowship hall.  But one thing that hasn't changed is our love for God, love for each other, and love for souls.

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